Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What to do???

A question was asked by a frustrated leader last Saturday how to involve good ladies of the Church who seem to have no interest in women’s activities.  They have the opinion such meetings are frivolous and unimportant.  What can we do to involve them and get them excited?
One thing for certain:  Do NOT stop having opportunities because they seem uninterested.  Have a gathering of women for those who will participate – even if it is a small number in the beginning.  Advertise well, invite and see who shows up.  After the event, post lots of pictures on the church website or bulletin board.  Spread through personal testimony and newsletter what a great time of fellowship and renewal it was.
No one likes to miss something good!  Spread the Word great things are happening.  It will only take a time or two without their participation, and they will be eager to join in the next event.  Should they choose to never come, that is their loss.  Those participating will be blessed!
Do you have an idea to help this leader?  If so, send us your suggestion (londajoy@aol.com) and we will pass the word along!


  1. I think one way to encourage women to attend is to make it valid. If a meeting is just a gossip session or time of fun and games, women can usually find something better to do with their time. If there is something there that challenges them spiritually and/or mentally and allows them to get true life-tips, it is more interesting to them and not such a waste of time for them. I think women's meetings should be a time of ministry, not only to spiritual needs but to other needs in a woman's life.

  2. I agree. Ministry to women should serve the whole woman. Every aspect and area of her life is important! Thank God for leadership who minister to the whole person!
