Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Getting Women Involved...Here's some suggestions

Thanks to those who shared they would pray for the frustrated leader trying to get women involved in activities of the church.  Here is a response from an active leader who has found the following helpful.  She has changed her approach from what the individual can "get out of it" to "what can I give"?

People are so busy today with all the things that so easily weight us down. So, I try to help people simplify and get back to "serving others".   I suggest forming service groups i.e.   1) Bible Study leader-someone who can spend time fostering an atmosphere with the purpose of developing fellowship and discipline to the study of the word. 1 Tim 1:5    2) Name Optional  (a nurturing group) - a group that focuses on mentoring the younger women in the local church Prov 25:11  3) An Emergency Prayer Chain Leader: Someone that can mobilize the prayer warriors.    4) Luncheons & Special Events: This group would do nothing but serve as event organizers - outreach to new ladies is the focus Titus 2:7    5) Encouragers - a group who serves the needs of the church to write letters, send cards, you know the Church of Christ calls it Monday Night for the Master...Thess 5:11-14     6) Hospitality: This group could arrange celebrations of special events i.e. showers, weddings, Christmas Open House, Angel Trees etc 7) Publicity - Serves by inviting the Poor, the crippled the lame, the blind Luke 14:12-143 8) Share Meals/Meals on Wheels - pretty self explanatory....     8) Deaconness - these ladies need to take care of the widows, single moms, orphans etc....yes I believe many women have the qualifications of a deacon (servant) Rom 16:1-2   9)  Welcome Center - Contact new members, visitors ...greeters etc...Rom 16:1-2   10) Love IN Action - Quilters, crafters, etc...

So..when someone tells me the women won’t participate, maybe we need to change what we ask them to do.  Southern women are used to feeling useful.  In the serving, they will be served.

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